Chord Poly Wireless Streaming Module for Mojo


Chord Electronics designed the NEW Poly Wireless Streaming module as the perfect mate for the award-winning Mojo headphone amp/DAC.Chord Poly Wireless Streaming Module for Mojo


Connect Chord Poly to your Mojo to enable wireless audio playback from smartphones and SD card reader/player functionality.

Poly can access music by streaming over Wi-Fi, network storage devices, and collections stored on SD cards making it the perfect Wi-Fi and Bluetooth hub.

Poly SD Slot

Bluetooth connectivity and AirPlay functionality make it easy to control everything from your Android or iOS device.

Poly is compatible with the latest high-resolution audio file types and supports PCM files up to 768kHz resolution and DSD64 to DSD512.

The rechargeable LiPo battery gives around 9 hours playback. Both Mojo and Poly can be charged simultaneously.

Chord Poly How It Works

Chord Mojo Poly Docked


Chord Poly Features:

Chord Poly 9 Hour Battery Life

9 Hour Battery Life

Chord Poly Bluetooth A2DP Connectivity

Bluetooth A2DP Connectivity

Chord Poly WiFi 2.4gHz Connectivity

WiFi 2.4gHz Connectivity

Chord Poly Airplay Connectivity

Airplay Connectivity

Chord Poly Micro SD Card Storage

Micro SD Card Storage (MPD)

Chord Poly Roon Ready

Roon Ready

Chord Poly DLNA Compatible

DLNA Compatible

Chord Poly Supports up to 768kHz

Supports up to 768kHz

Chord Poly DSD512 Capable

DSD512 (8x) Capable

Chord Poly DSD via DoP

DSD via DoP


Drew Baird

When Drew Baird, P.E., put his first audio system together, he found himself dissatisfied with the audio cables available in his price range -- so he decided to make his own. He's an engineer, after all, with the expertise to dabble in this sort of thing. He studied the types of materials that went into the big-name audio cables and figured out how to improve upon what was out there. After making his first batch of custom audio cables, he offered the extras to fellow audiophiles. They were a hit, and Silver Dragon cables were born. At the time, Drew was working full time as an engineer and nurturing his burgeoning cable business on the side. In 2010, Drew quit his day job to run Moon Audio full time, with his wife, Nichole, taking on the marketing and administrative demands of the business. In the decade since, Drew has expanded the Dragon Cable line and developed customizations for just about every headphone on the market. He's passionate about music -- ask him about the Pixies if you've got a few hours -- and every day at Moon Audio is a chance for him to help bring audiophiles and music pros closer to the sounds they love. Drew has an engineering degree from Penn State and maintains rigorous certification through the National Society of Professional Engineers.