Which Upgrade Cable to choose for Headphones, Part 1


Which Upgrade Headphone Cable to Choose?

This upgrade headphone cable question is slightly more difficult to easily answer.

Each headphone has its own signature.  Each headphone amp driving the headphone also has a sound signature.  Each of our cables also has its own signature, but the effects can vary depending on which headphone & amp combination you pair it up with.

To make it even more confusing some cables do better jobs with different music genres.  But here is the good news, Moon Audio can help guide you.  Drew will try to give a generic description of what each of the cables Moon Audio sells sound like, but keep in mind this may slightly vary depending on what gear you mate our cables with.  

The Moon Audio Silver Dragon V3 Headphone Cable is a silver conductor based cable.  It has lots of detail, great energy, fantastic soundstage with lots of air.  It is a great candidate for headphones such as the Sennheiser HD650 (a darker/warmer sounding can) or such headphones as the Hifiman and Audeze which are planner magnetic driver headphones.  These are a couple of examples of warmer sounding headphones.

The Moon Audio Silver Dragon is not a good choice for a thin sounding headphone like the AKG K701. Nor is it a good choice for a forward sounding Grado RS-1, which is very much like a studio monitor. An up close and personal headphone sound.

However, there are still folks out there that are detail freaks and want to push or tip things more forward. So we have actually re-cabled these 2 examples with the Moon Audio Silver Dragon. As I said, it just depends on what you are trying to improve. The Moon Audio Silver Dragon is also a good choice for a phone that has a bloated bottom end like the Ultrasone Pro 900.  The Silver Dragon will tighten the bass and make it more defined.

Want more information about cable options, installation types, and other modifications for your high-end headphones? Check these out!

Part 2 – Which Upgrade Cable to choose for your High End Headphones or Cans?

Part 3 – Which Upgrade Cable to choose for your High End Headphones or Cans?

Which Installation Type to choose with your Headphones and Moon Audio Custom Headphone Cables?

Hardwired or Detachable Split Mod for your High End Headphones or Cans?