TEAC UD-701N Streaming Tutorial & HR Streamer App Overview


Buy here: https://www.moon-audio.com/teac-ud-701n.html

Watch our review: https://www.moon-audio.com/videos/v/teac-ud-701n-music-player-review/228225340/

Read our full review: https://www.moon-audio.com/teac-ud-701n-music-player-review

One of the most impressive aspects of the UD-701N is the amount of streaming and wireless functionality for high-resolution audio - it's something we've not come across in an all-in-one before. Previously, the Naim Uniti Atom won the prize for streaming options, but the TEAC ups the game with HD codecs, OpenHome, as well as Bulk Pet USB transfer. It's a versatile device that has lots of streaming service integration that makes for a robust and capable streamer, apart from everything else that's packed into the music player.

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