Headphones for Gaming


Moon Audio is lucky. We have great Ambassadors willing to help our growing community. We were thankful when avid gamers and Moon Audio Ambassadors Jonathan West, Matt James and Jonathan Vinh Phuc Ly offered to help write a Headphones for Video Games Buyers' Guide! Thanks to our Ambassadors we know what gear will help win the game.

Drew Baird Video (@Moon_Audio) Jonathan Vinh Phuc Ly (@Rebel908) Jonathan West (@army_firedawg or "Firedawg") Matt James (@Gaboonvyper)

Ambassadoe Jonathan Ly

Jonathan Ly

Moon Audio Ambassador

Jonathan shares his top picks for an immersive video game experience, focusing on audio neutrality and quality equipment from sound card to headphone cable.

Ambassador Matt James

Matt James

Moon Audio Ambassador

Matt breaks down his Hifi-first approach to selecting headphones for his gaming experience. Openback or closed back? IEM or full-sized? See his reasoning and top picks.

Ambassador Jonathan West

Jonathan West

Moon Audio Ambassador

Army Firefighter Jonathan West breaks down buying headphones for gaming and describes the breathtaking audio detail in his favorite video game, Destiny.

Drew Baird, PE

Drew Baird, PE

Moon Audio founder, Drew Baird, chats about the sensory experience of video games and recommends his favorite headphones for gaming. Watch the video or read the transcript.