
Pass Labs Amplifiers: Drew's Top Picks

Moon Audio Founder Drew Baird, P.E., Picks his Favorite Pass Labs Products

"The HPA-1 holds a special place in my heart. I love that it can be a wonderful preamplifier in addition to a headphone amplifier."

HPA-1 Headphone Amplifier

The HPA-1 Headphone Amplifier holds a special place in the heart of Moon Audio Founder Drew Baird, P.E. It's the first Pass Labs product that Moon Audio decided to sell, and for obvious reasons: We love headphones. Drew loves that the HPA-1 can drive most headphones very well, and that it can be a wonderful preamp as well.


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"We've got the INT-60 paired with the Focal Sopra No2 speakers in our demo room. I absolutely love this combination."

INT-60 Integrated Amplifier

Drew loves the versatility of the INT-60. This is an all in one: ampflifier, preamplifier. He finds it to be the sweet spot in the Pass Labs product lineup, whether it be using separate amps, preamps, or intergrated amps. It's got a very musical sound that's clean and dynamic. Drew uses it to drive the Focal Sopra No2 speakers. The INT-60 and the Sopra 2's have been married together from the start in the Moon Audio demo room.


"The XA 30.8 sounds like a tube amplifier: warm, romantic, musical - but it's not laid back or lush."

XA 30.8 Stereo Amplifier

This is a low-power, pure Class A amplifier. It's got a warm and romantic sound like a tube amp, but it's not as laid back and lush. It still has great dynamics, but it's esepcially warm for a solid-state amp. The XA 30.8 is versatile when it comes to speaker pairings. Drew loves using it to drive the Focal Kanta No2 speakers.
