Hi-Fi Audio Guides: Headphones, How-To's, Brands & More

Information and inspiration for your audio-buying journey

Hi-Fi Audio Guides: Headphones, How-To's, Brands & More

Whether you want to learn more about a new hi-fi brand, are looking for the perfect pair of audiophile headphones, or need tips to improve your gear's sound, we've got educational and informative guides to help you on your audio journey. From headphones, IEMs, and DACs to digital audio players, music streamers, and our own Dragon Audio Cables, we make it easy for you to find gear based on your listening style, music preferences, budget, and lifestyle. Made right here in our Cary, NC headquarters, our Dragon Cables are customized for your headphones and amplifier connections by our engineers and technicians. At Moon Audio, we help bring you closer to the music you know and love.

Connection Guides

We also offer a variety of interactive connection guides to help you match compatible cables and connectors to your headphones, amplifiers, DACs, and music players. Select the manufacturer and model number to lookup the precise connectors and find the proper cables for your device.

Headphone Sound Signature Gallery

What’s your headphone listening style? We’ve curated three synergistic headphone setups to entice your auditory preferences. Whether you crave the crisp acoustics of a concert hall, a warm bluesy nightclub vibe, or modern beats on the go, we’ve designed the perfect headphone setup to suit your mood and your lifestyle.